Koi keepers and fish pond enthusiasts can now manage their ponds with less time-consuming and messy maintenance. We've also refined our filtration system to Urban Space Saving. A small footprint with a huge amount of filtration.
No Bio beads, a patented media that never needs replacing. It operates under pressure with a patented scientifically engineered design, with the highest total surface area for growth of the bacteria. Our computer-generated media is equal to the area of several tennis courts contained in a filter body.
Here are 4 reasons why.
Cleaning your pond often means dirtying your hands. But we flush waste water straight to the drain. You won’t be touching anything dirty. The back flush water is also full of good nutrients and can be used for your garden.
With the cyclonic back-wash system, it takes just minutes to back-wash. Back-wash is done simply by depressing and rotating the valve.
Independent field and laboratory testing and certification by GILLESPIE Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory in the USA, and the IFTS and Cranfield University in the U.K., showed that they outperformed all other filters. They are designed for heavy fish loads and high flow rates.
Internal jets do the work for you. Never get your hands dirty cleaning your ponds.
Internal jets do the work for you. Never get your hands dirty cleaning your ponds.
With the cyclonic back-wash system, it takes just minutes to back-wash. Back-wash is done simply by depressing and rotating the valve.
Cleaning your pond often means dirtying your hands. But we flush waste water straight to your drain. You won't be touching anything dirty.
Independent field and laboratory testing and certification by GILLESPIE Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory, USA, showed that it outperformed all other filters. It is designed for heavy fish loads and high flow rates.